Friday, October 5, 2007

Review Sites, Bogus or Not?

We have found almost all of the review sites on the Internet are bogus. They do not verify claims so they often come from competitors trying to soil the competition. It is a vicious cycle because it dilutes all the claims until their is no credibility, just damage to every business and you cannot sort out the the real from the fake. The review sites also give bad reviews so they can piggyback off the popular brand's name and try to bait and switch them into their own cheesy products. Don't fall for it.

Dean goes more into this in his own blog on Dean Graziosi Scam?

It is unfortunate these places resort to tactics so low, way below anything that was ever complained about. Remember, those people will try to profit from your confusion and their slight of hand tricks, and also from any business they can find that has $10k in the bank. Here is one such site I found.

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